What you can expect from staffing the 2017 NSJ

Staffers returning from the 2013 National Scout Jamboree agree that our inaugural event at the Summit Bechtel Reserve was an unqualified success – but as with all new endeavors, we learned there were some things we’d want to improve for the next one. Our jamboree leadership has been hard at work over the past several months to address the excellent feedback received in order to make the staff experience for 2017 better.

One key area you noted that needs improvement is communications – and we agree! An informed staff is an empowered, engaged staff. Starting with this June’s Staff Bulletin, you can expect a bi-monthly e-mail with jamboree updates that will keep you informed and help you prepare. We will also start to use social media platforms to connect with staff and participants – we’ll share more information about our social media plans in an upcoming Staff Bulletin.

We also heard that some tweaks to the quality of Jamboree staff life would improve your staff experience. We believe a well-rested, well-fed, and clean staff is a happy staff that will deliver great program. A full complement of staff will allow all staffers to enjoy more time off during the jamboree, allowing us to experience more of the jamboree or enjoy local sightseeing. In order for this to work, we’ll need your help in recruiting top-notch Scouts and Scouters to join us! You’ll also be allowed to pre-select your tent mates, too – another good reason to recruit friends to sign up. The staff base camp will offer new food and refreshment options, including a wider variety of lunches, to keep your energy and morale up. And yes, you’ve heard correctly: solar water heaters are being installed in the staff camp, offering us all warm showers (unless you’re That Guy who hogs all the hot water. Don’t be That Guy.) Lastly, we’re expanding staff transportation routes to more of the far-away program areas, ensuring that no staffer will have more than a 30-minute walk to work each day.

This PDF details many of these changes in-depth — and is great for sharing with fellow staffers!

Thanks to your feedback, the jamboree staff experience will be better than ever! Plan now to join us for an exceptional experience next summer, and consider inviting your Scouting friends to join us in delivering an amazing jamboree in 2017.

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Registration for Summer 2026 Opens January 14 at 9am EST!