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Are We Really Having A Jamboree?

– Are we really having a Jamboree at the Summit?

I’m surprised that at this point we still have people asking this question. I’ll state it as clearly as I can: “Absolutely!”.  Here’s why I say that:

Site Construction Is Well Along

  • Roads are in place.
  • The base camps where you will live are well under way; fixed shower houses (362 of them) and kybos (look it up) are under construction.
  • The utilities (power, water, sewage) are in the works, including 70 miles of electrical conduit.

Program Areas Are Coming to Life

  • Climbing walls
  • Mountain bike trails
  • Zip lines
  • Canopy tours

The dams to create our lakes are in final construction (we start filling the lakes this fall).

The Jamboree Executive Committee and Their Staffs Are Finalizing Their Plans

There will be elements similar to past jamborees like stadium shows, merit badges, exhibits, and, dare I say, patch trading; but the real excitement is on the entirely redesigned challenge areas that will define the Summit and this first jamboree in our new home.

Simply stated, rather than one size fits all, the challenge areas will have multiple skill level courses so everyone can participate at the level at which they are comfortable (kind of like a ski resort).

Over 500 people have visited the site to date—representatives from well over half of our councils nationwide—and they have all walked away in awe of what has been and is being accomplished. But you don’t have to take their word for it. I was on the site recently and have posted some pictures in a secret location.

Bottom line: If you don’t make it to this jamboree, you’ll be missing a historic event. There’s still room for participants and staff. Sign up at

See you there!


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