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COVID-19: Summit Response

2022 Participant Screening and COVID-19 Protocols (06/01/22)

Our Commitment
As you prepare for arrival at the Summit Bechtel Reserve (SBR) the following procedures have been
implemented to address the current public health crisis impacting our communities. All participants will
participate in this plan. Your participation is important for the success of this endeavor, health and safety is each of our
It is the goal at the SBR to operate our programs and camp operation with zero instances of communicable illness exposure.
We can achieve this goal through a series of steps that begin with pre-arrival virtual assessments, departure community
outbreak intelligence and clear communications.
The following procedural guidance is the SBR’s best efforts to identify and prevent the transmission of communicable
illnesses, such as: COVID-19, Norovirus, Influenza, Strep and other associated camp/outdoor communicable illnesses. It is the
intent of this document to provide a transparent and simple process for protecting the health of our staff and participants.

All participants must have a current Annual Health and Medical Record (AHMR) valid thru the last day of their visit at the SBR.
The AHMR must be fully completed and signed by a physician.

All participants must provide at least one of the following to gain access to the Summit:

  • Vaccination card, a copy of it, or a photo of it. (The Summit considers a participant to be fully vaccinated if they
    have completed the initial series of vaccination and received a booster. People at high risk for severe COVID illness
    should consult with their physician about additional boosters or go to CDC Booster Info to learn more about
  • A negative COVID-19 test within 5 days of arrival to SBR (can be at home, self-administered, a time stamped picture
    of the results is sufficient documentation)
  • If you have had COVID-19 in the past 90 days, you will need a physician note detailing you’ve had COVID-19 and are
    clear to return to normal activity and are symptom-free.

Mask Policy – Optional (at this time)
The Summit requests that all participants furnish their own:

  • Masks
  • personal hand sanitizer

While we hope to not need to implement a mask mandate at SBR this summer, if the changing Covid-19 climate calls for
additional precautions, we ask that you adhere to the guidance of our local health department based on the current conditions
of Fayette County, WV.

Camping Policy
The Summit has been authorized to camp participants 2 per tent. We feel this is the best experience for many youth and is
a part of the Scouting program. If there are concerns about this policy, we can make accommodations on a case-by-case

Additional Camping Considerations:
The Summit recommends, but does not require you consider bringing the following for the best and safest possible experience:

  • Disinfectant wipes Recommended
  • Your own chair/hammock (not to be shared) Recommended
  • Tent/Cot Nice to have

Housing Policy
The Summit has roofed housing in a number of different configurations. Housing capacities will be limited if those staying
there are not from the same family. As an example, bunk house rooms have a capacity of 6. The Summit will limit these
rooms to 3 participants per room.

Quarantine Procedures

  • If someone is feeling ill, it should be immediately reported to the Summit Operations Center before proceeding to
    breakfast. If symptoms onset during program, the entire unit should isolate and all participants in that program area
    should separate and await instructions. The SOC can be reached at:304-465-2900
  • If a high temperature (greater than 100.4) is recorded or vomiting or diarrhea; OR two of the following: headache,
    nausea or sore throat is reported, the unit will stay in campsite or stay in place and notify the Summit Operations
    Center (SOC)
  • Food will be delivered to the unit until the concern is resolved
  • The person showing symptoms will be rapid tested either on-site or sent to Raleigh General Hospital and Unit will
    maintain isolation until results from the test are complete
  • Medical team will assess the entire unit in isolation
  • Contact tracing will occur
  • If the test is positive, coordination will take place between health departments in each state or locale. Arrangements
    will be made to send the unit home
  • Individuals will be responsible for the cost of test after insurance
  • Requests can be submitted to the BSAs Accident Health and Sickness Insurance policy

Visitor Policy
The Summit will allow visitors who are preapproved by the unit or group they are visiting. Days and times they are allowed
on property are detailed to the units ahead of time. Those visitors will need to adhere to the same screening process for
COVID-19 as outlined in this document.
Our dedication to the health and safety of participants and our staff is of the highest priority.

2021 Summer Programs Update (04/02/21)

The Summit Bechtel Reserve is proud to announce that we have received our organized camping permit  from the State of West Virginia, giving us authorization to operate all programs as planned for the 2021 summer season. Due to concerns regarding the continual spread of COVID-19, many of the same precautions present in the 2020 season will remain in place or slightly adjusted in accordance with State, Federal and BSA guidance. The Summit Bechtel Reserve is committed to the safety of all participants, guests, staff and local communities and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to navigate the ever-changing situation. All updates will be communicated with participants in a timely fashion.

While West Virginia has continued to lead the nation in vaccination distribution and testing for COVID-19, continued diligence will be required in order to maintain the health and safety of our participants, guests, staff and local communities. Changes in rules and regulations from the State of West Virginia such as increased capacity limits of buildings will be reflected accordingly in the on-site protocols at the Summit. For the most up-to-date policies and Covid-19 precautions being utilized at the Summit Bechtel Reserve this summer, please visit

In close coordination with West Virginia State Health Officials, our sanitization and cleaning protocols will remain unchanged. Additionally, participants in Summit Programs will again be required to take temperatures and monitor symptoms of all individuals for 5 days prior to arrival. Due to the sustained spread of COVID-19 across the US over the last year, there are no special considerations for “hot-spots” and all participants will be expected to abide by all pre-arrival protocols regardless of the location they are traveling from.

Temperature and Symptom logs will be required for all individuals, including those who have been vaccinated in order to ensure that a vaccinated individual, who may not be symptomatic, will not present a potential exposure risk to others. Participants are advised not to depart their home location to travel to the Summit if they are feeling sick or are showing symptoms of COVID-19 as they may be denied access or asked to return home. Additionally, participants are advised to practice pandemic precautions  such as those recommended by the CDC in the weeks leading up to their arrival at the Summit to limit their risk of exposure.

For individuals who test positive while on-site at the Summit, units and/or those with an exposure risk will be quarantined until arrangements can be made for safe transport home; there will be no extended quarantine at the Summit, but individuals will be advised to follow current state and federal guidance for quarantine upon arrival home.

In order to best serve all of our guests at the Summit, our Health & Safety Team has secured a partnership with LabCorp which will provide a significant increase in our COVID-19 testing capabilities, including some of the following highlights:

  • Ability to provide mobile rapid testing on-site for clinical use/diagnosis. Our Health & Safety Team will be able to test individuals at their campsite or location at the onset of symptoms.
  • Ability to provide laboratory (PCR) testing for all participants traveling from a state that is requiring “re-entry” testing in order to return to work or school.
    • This “re-entry” testing will be scheduled dependent on your departure date, so you will have your results available before you arrive home. Results will be available to each individual using the Labcorp Patient Portal.
  • Labcorp will bill your insurance for testing; any fees or payments will be determined by Labcorp and may be subject to determination by your insurance carrier.  

Finally, for units who suspect a potential exposure within the unit (Example: in-person unit meeting 2 weeks prior arrival with an individual testing positive immediately after the meeting) – Unit leaders should contact the Summit Health & Safety Team with a minimum of 5 days prior to arrival. The Health & Safety team will be able to coordinate at-home, pre-arrival testing for members of your unit in order to prevent quarantine or being sent back home upon arrival. Call 304.465.2816 for info.

The Staff of the Summit Bechtel Reserve look forward to serving you this summer and remain committed to providing safe programs with zero sustained spread. Stay Safe and Summit On!

New Required Pre-Arrival Health & Safety Briefing (06/22/20)

In an effort to make sure that ALL Participants (youth & adults) are prepared to participate at the Summit Bechtel Reserve programs this summer, the Health & Safety Team has provided a short briefing video. All participants are required to watch the briefing video and complete the pre-arrival screening record. Unit Leaders will be required to compile the individual records on to the Unit Record and will submit it upon arrival to SBR. The Individual and Unit Pre-Arrival Screening records are available for download below.  

New Page With Information About Operations (06/17/20)

With the opening of the Summit Bechtel Reserve quickly approaching, we’re created a dedicated page where you can go to find out more information and use as a reference. State regulations and guidance are changing on a regular basis and we’ll be updating this page in order to reflect the most up-to-date operational procedures we’ll be utilizing this summer. It’s definitely worth saving this page in your bookmarks.

2020 Archived Updates

The Leadership Team of the Summit Bechtel Reserve is hard at work finalizing a set of published operational procedures/protocols for the 2020 Season. Due to the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 Pandemic, our team has been working very closely with Local and State Authorities to ensure that our operations are in compliance with all COVID-19 related regulations and as always that the safety of our participants remains our number one priority. We expect to have additional information available on a dedicated page within a week. 

Additionally, SBR is currently accepting displaced crews from Philmont Scout Ranch, for up-to-date availability, please check our registration pages for both Scout Camp and High Adventure.  The SBR Registration Team has been working diligently to handle all transfers and would like to thank the Unit leaders for their continued patience and cooperation. 

As we prepare for the 2020 season, here are few updates on how we will address the current national situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic:

SBR Opening Date

Based on guidance from the State of West Virginia and Fayette County, we have been able to move the opening of camp up a few days to June 28, 2020, allowing for a full-week Scout Camp program. *High Adventure Programs will begin with the first scheduled session after July 1, 2020.  We have also added two additional weeks to the 2020 summer season.

Annual Health and Medical Records

Depending on the situation in your area, it may be difficult to schedule a doctor’s visit to update your Annual Health & Medical Record.  The first and best option is to do your best to schedule a visit with a health care provider, either in person or by telehealth where available.  If this is not possible, then the following options have approved for the 2020 season only:

Participants with a Part C completed on or after February 1, 2019.

  • Validity of any Part C completed on or after February 1, 2019 is extended until August 31, 2020.     
  • Update Parts A and B of the AHMR within two weeks of your departure to camp.  
    Download here:

Participants with no Part C or one prior to February 1, 2019, including new members.  

  • Attach a completed alternate exam (sports, school, annual well exam at pediatrician) completed on or after February 1, 2019.  This will be accepted as a valid Part C until August 31, 2020.
  • Update Parts A and B of the AHMR within two weeks of your departure to camp.  
    Download here:

If a participant does not meet the criteria above, consider the following options to obtain an alternative examination:    

  • Telephonic well appointment – Conducted with an individual’s existing health care provider (HCP) to complete the AHMR Part C exam and examiners signature virtually.  
  • Professional or Compliance well exams – Adult participants whose profession requires regular well or compliance exams (emergency responders, pilots, etc.) may also be able to complete the exam requirements by having the conducting HCP complete Part C either during those well checks or telephonically.   
  • Local Community clinic or alternative HCP – If primary HCP is unavailable, use alternatives / clinics in the local community such as alternate HCP, CVS, Rite Aid, Care Now, etc.

Wilderness First Aid

The BSA is in the final stages of working with a national agency to develop a blended learning course for Wilderness First Aid. We anticipate the release the new program by the end of May. Stay tuned for details and alternatives. *See the New Normal Page for updated info.

COVID-19 Operational Adaptations

Summit representative are in close contact with state and local health officials to review the SBR COVID-19 mitigation and operating plan. We will obtain their suggestions and input and confirm that we can operate within state guidelines.

As the current situation evolves, we continue to refine the plan.  However, please expect the following to be part of your 2020 camp experience:

  • A pre-screening process that takes place over several days before you depart for camp.
  • A re-screening upon arrival at camp.
  • Daily wellness checks at the troop or crew campsite by troop/crew leadership.
  • Face coverings will be worn during many activities.  Your troop or crew may want to get a jump on it and make troop face masks or buffs.
  • Physical distancing

We are currently reviewing each activity in light of CDC guidelines and the State of West Virginia Guidelines to determine how to operate each activity in concert with the guidelines currently available.

Download a copy of the statement HERE

After recent communications with West Virginia State Officials and careful consideration, the difficult decision has been made to suspend all summer camping programs at the Summit Bechtel Reserve until July 1, 2020.  Unfortunately, this means that at this time, all summer camping programs including Scout Camp and High Adventure sessions scheduled for the month of June have been cancelled. *If additional operational changes come about, rest assured we will communicate those to you in a timely manner.

We understand that this delay in operations will affect numerous Scouting units who have registered for sessions in June and we are committed to contact every affected unit or crew personally to find the best possible solution.  Starting on Monday, May 4th, Summit Staff members will be calling the contact person for every affected crew or unit. For information on what to do if your trek has been cancelled, please see the information provided below.  We are currently working to provide additional opportunities later in the summer season and into the fall to accommodate all those who may be affected and hope to provide you with more information on those soon. 

The entire Summit Bechtel Reserve family thanks you for your continued understanding, support, cooperation and patience as we navigate these unprecedented events. Stay safe and Summit On.

What do I need to do if my program/trek was cancelled?

  1. Please do not call SBR; this will overwhelm the phone lines. Wait for SBR to contact you. SBR has emailed impacted units with this information.  Your unit contact should check his/her email for additional information.
  2. Expect a call from us. Over the next few days, our staff will contact the lead advisor or contingent leader of affected units or individual registrations to assist with rescheduling later in the 2020 season or the 2021 season, work with the crew if a refund is needed, and answer any questions.
  1. Please fill out our COVID-19 UNIT PREFERENCE FORM. Providing your preferences will help us to expedite a solution for you.
  1. Consider a Plan B. With your Summit program canceled, you might be looking for a replacement adventure. Please consider available openings at Sea Base or Northern Tier.

Read the Full Statement and Instructions Here

Read the Summit COVID Quick Reference Sheet Here

National High Adventure Base Refund Policy 

If the Boy Scouts of America or a National High Adventure Base (HAB) cancels your program due to COVID-19, you can reschedule your adventure and apply fees to an alternate date later in 2020 or 2021 (and 2022 at PSR and NT) at 2020 pricing.  If it is not possible for you to reschedule, you will receive a full refund of fees paid. 

If you cancel your program during the COVID-19 outbreak, you may select an adventure later in 2020 or 2021 (and 2022 at PSR and NT) at 2020 pricing.  If it is not possible for you to reschedule, you will receive a refund of fees paid less 10% (to support the program costs of operating the HAB).  

CLICK HERE for a video message from Al Lambert, Assistant Chief Scout Executive/National Director of Outdoor Adventures and the national high adventure base general managers.



Are treks still happening at the BSA High Adventure bases this summer?

At this point, all bases are planning to be open, however most have delayed starts that may affect your crew’s plans. Please refer to your base’s official website for the most current information.

 What happens if our trek is cancelled by the BSA?

If the Boy Scouts of America or a National High Adventure Base (HAB) cancels your program due to COVID-19, you can reschedule your adventure and apply fees to an alternate date later in 2020 or 2021 (and 2022 at PSR & the Summit) at 2020 pricing.  If it is not possible for you to reschedule, you will receive a full refund of fees paid.

What happens if we need to cancel our trek?

If you cancel your program during the COVID-19 outbreak, you may select an adventure later in 2020 or 2021 (and 2022 at PSR & the Summit) at 2020 pricing.  If it is not possible for you to reschedule, you will receive a refund of fees paid less 10% (to support the program costs of operating the HAB).  See the HAB website for more information.

What measures are being taken to ensure the health & safety of participants?

All bases are monitoring guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and their local jurisdictions to adjust their operating procedures to protect the health of participants. As these guidelines are expected to evolve, please continue to monitor your base’s official website for the most current information. 

How does our crew meet the Wilderness First Aid and CPR requirements?

We encourage crew leadership to complete the published Wilderness First Aid and CPR requirements by seeking local training courses prior to your session.  However, each base has implemented alternate plans to address remote first aid and no crews will be denied program due to the inability to meet WFA and CPR requirements during the 2020 season. High adventure base program models have been adjusted to accommodate crews who do not have these certifications.  A complete menu of options will be available May 15.

Are there options to meet the Annual Health and Medical Record requirement?

We are aware of locations where access to non-emergency medical care has been limited, however, as many states begin to phase in opening businesses, the ability to obtain a physical may become available.  Options for completing the BSA Annual Health and Medical Record will be available May 15.

We continue to monitor the fluid situation across the country relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Attached you will find the latest guidance from the four national high adventure bases relating to summer 2020 operations. In summary, things you should know:

  1. We are still planning to operate as planned in summer 2020 if we can do so safely.
  2. The existing refund policy is still in force. The National Executive Committee will review these policies and have new policy guidance in the May 1 update as needed.
  3. We are flexible on payment deadlines in an effort to provide you the greatest latitude to move forward. For existing reservation, please note that we are extending the April 30 payment deadline to May 31. Additionally, we will work with your circumstances if this does not fit your unique need.
  4. Further guidance on the summer 2020 will be sent on May 1.

Read the Full Statement Here

As you are aware, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a significant health concern, one that the BSA takes very seriously. The Boy Scouts of America’s High Adventure Bases (The Summit Bechtel Reserve, Northern Tier, Philmont Scout Ranch and Sea Base) are committed to providing a safe and high-quality program for the tens of thousands of young people who are planning to attend this summer.

The Coronavirus situation continues to change frequently. These updates are intended to inform your Crew regarding its summer 2020 High Adventure program. Future updates are scheduled for April 15th and April 30th. These will be posted on the website of each High Adventure Base (HAB).

Read the Full Statement HERE.

Summer Program

Many members of our Scouting family have expressed concern about the COVID-19 virus’ impact on their summer high adventure or summer camp reservations at the Summit.  As a result, we want to share with you what we are doing in preparation for the summer.

Currently, our plans to operate this summer have not changed.  We will open the second week of June for high adventure, Scout Camp, and training programs.  We continue to plan and make preparations to that end.  While we cannot predict what will happen, we are hopeful that the current precautions in place across the United States will stem the tide of the virus in time for summer programs to go forward as planned.

The Summit is following the guidance provided by the National Council and by our local health department, including:

  • Canceling and/or rescheduling to a later date all meetings and conferences in March and April.
  • Allowing employees to work virtually if desired.
  • Restricting access to the Summit site to approved personnel.
  • Focusing on good hygiene and sanitation, especially in public areas.
  • Closing the Ruby Welcome Center on Highway 19 to the public.

Additionally, we know that troops and crews will not be able to meet for several weeks and that many families will experience adverse economic impacts as a result of the steps taken to stem the spread of COVID-19.  This may impact the ability of your troop or crew to make final payments for your summer program by the published date.  If making your final payment by the published date will be a problem, please contact us at  Our reservations team will work with your troop or crew’s circumstances to find a solution.

In addition, we do ask for your compliance in helping us take every preventive measure. When the time comes for you to depart your home for the Summit, if you or someone in your household has experienced a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, we ask that you do not travel.

How to Protect Yourself

It’s crucial that every one of us do our part in preventing the further propagation of this disease. Everyone should be taking measures to avoid contracting and/or spreading COVID-19, and everyone at the Summit is expected to do so as well. Here are some helpful recommendations from the CDC:


  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
  • Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.


You can keep track of the reported COVID-19 cases in West Virginia (West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources) here. To stay up-to-date on the developments of COVID-19, you can visit the CDC Situation Summary here.


If any changes or new information surface, we will keep you updated. We look forward to serving you at the Summit this summer.  Until then, be safe.

There has been a growing concern about the propagation of COVID-19 (coronavirus) throughout the nation, and we want to share the ways in which this affects the Summit, and our operation. The safety and well-being of our guests, volunteers, and staff is and always has been our number one priority. We are constantly keeping track of any developments regarding the COVID-19 outbreak from the West Virginia Health and Human Resources Department, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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