High adventure comes in many forms.
It can mean hiking the New Mexico backcountry or exploring your local state park’s trails. It could be scuba diving off the Florida Keys or going off the diving board at your local YMCA. It might be whitewater rafting in West Virginia or canoeing at a nearby reservoir. It could mean dog sledding on the Northern Plains or snowshoeing in the woods behind your house.
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Although traveling is fun, you don’t have to go to far flung places to find high adventure. Most of all, high adventure is a state of mind and means different things to different people.
To that end, we’ve put together a few ideas for finding high adventure in your own stomping grounds that suits your needs.
Municipal parks – Whether it’s a city, county or state park, you’ll be amazed at the amount of programming you’ll find there. From geocaching to interpretive hikes to horseback riding, you’ll be surprised to find out how much your local parks offer.
Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management land – There is national forest and BLM land in more places than you might think. Again, although it might just seem like a big wooded area, there’s some pretty cool stuff lurking under the canopy, from trails to visitor centers to historical programs.
Local waterways – Many areas are home to local waterways such as municipal reservoirs, rivers, trout streams and ponds. Each of these areas is perfect for exploring biology and wildlife, navigating waterways in kayak or canoe, or fishing.
Consider this a starter list. Once you put your mind to seeking out high adventure in your neck of the woods, it’ll be a lot like looking under an old log along the trail: teeming with possibilities and wonder that will captivate those who take the time to seek it out.
Where do you go for high adventure in your area?