It’s 2013. You’re at the national Scout jamboree. You’re a volunteer at what is quite simply the greatest service project in the history of earth.
Question: How’d you get there?
Coming To A Blog Near You: Jambo Jobs, Fees, and Schedules

Did you know that we need dentists and climbing wall instructors for the jamboree? Naturalists and shooting specialists? Vulcanologists and maybe even astronauts?
OK, maybe not that last one. But for all of those and everything in between, we need volunteers. Is that you? You won’t know unless you check out the staff position page.
Seriously, there’s a ton of stuff to do. There might be something for that’s a great fit for you.
We’re planning on a series of blog posts that outline what some of those positions are all about. Same thing with fees and schedules. Look for ‘em.
5 Things Staff Should Know
Here’s a quick rundown of the basics if you’re thinking about volunteering. Which you should. Because we need you. Check it out:
- You need to be fit.
- 16 years old by July 11, 2013? Good.
- You’ve got to complete your Youth Protection Training, of course.
- Be ready to arrive up to a week before the event, depending on your area of service.
- Pay all your fees. It’s a lot of popcorn, sure, but you’ll never spend money on anything more worthwhile.
These aren’t all the requirements. There are more. And if you decide that you want to be a part of this whole historic, amazing, and fully life-changing (probably) thing, you’ll have to do them all.
But, know what? You’re in the Scouts. No problem.
Started the volunteer process yet? Let us know how it’s going in the comments.