Communication will be everywhere during the 2017 National Jamboree! JamboLink’s many social media channels, website, enews, and livestreams will keep participants, leaders, and staff up-to-date with everything that is happening.
The official social media channels include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. All except Snapchat also will provide an official Jamboree livestream. Find the official Facebook page at and Twitter and Instagram pages through the username @2017Jambo, or add the Jamboree on Snapchat using Jambo2017. The official hashtag #2017Jambo will be used on all social media platforms.
In addition, be sure to visit the 2017 Jamboree website, That site will be the authoritative source for current information including wait times for activities, maps, photo galleries, and articles about the Jamboree.
Catch the official livestream every night of the Jamboree before Taps beginning at 9:30 p.m. 2017 Order of the Arrow National Chief Forrest Gertin and National Venturing President Michelle Merritt will host the livestream — “Jamboree Tonight” — which will recap the day, feature interviews with Scouts and Scouters, and highlight important parts of the next day. Livestreams will be available on and the Jamboree social media channels.
Both JamboLink’s social media channels and website will have up-to-the second information about the Jamboree’s events and activities. Follow JamboLink’s channels in order to stay in the loop. We look forward to helping you fuel Scouting’s adventure at the 2017 National Jamboree.