Staff registration for the 2017 NSJ is open!

July 14, 2017 may seem like a long ways away, but the next year will pass quickly – which makes today the perfect time to formalize your jamboree staff commitment by registering for jamboree staff.

To serve on Jamboree staff, you need to be at least 16 years old; be currently registered in the Boy Scouts of America; have recently completed Youth Protection Training; submit a personal BSA Health and Medical Record and meet the health participation requirements; and pay the appropriate jamboree fees. Depending on the job you’re offered, you may need to commit to a specific arrival date and complete additional training before the jamboree begins.

If registering for the 2017 National Scout Jamboree seems daunting at first, don’t panic – we’ll walk you through what you need to do.

  • You’ll need your account username and password, and your account needs to be linked to your current BSA registration. If you need your username and password, you can retrieve them from the links on If you need help with your BSA registration number, contact your council’s registrar at your council service center.
  • Got the username and password? Great! Go here and click on the orange box that reads “New Registrations Start Here” and log in using your username and password.
  • Complete the online application. Fill out the application completely; note that fields with a red asterisk are required. Note that your application needs to include a $150 deposit. Submit when finished.
  • After applying, you’ll receive your first jamboree patch! Wear it proudly and let others know about the jamboree opportunities for staff and participants.

If you need help during this process, you can call the Member Care Services support center at (972) 580-2489, or e-mail They can help answer questions and solve problems.

Once your application is submitted, it starts the approval process. First, the application goes to your council for their approval. You’ll receive a notification once they give you a thumbs-up. Next, the application is routed through your three preferred jobs, in order. Should you not be selected for one of your three top positions, your application will go into a pool where any Jamboree staff director can review it and consider you for open positions. If you don’t get one of your top choices, maybe there’s another role where you could try something new and still give meaningful service to the jamboree?

Check your e-mail regularly – all notifications and job offers will come via e-mail. (It wouldn’t hurt to check your spam or junk folders, just in case.) If you are made an offer, you’ll have 15 days to accept it or decline it via the enclosed link.

If you need to edit your application during this process, you can do that via the “Edit an Existing Application” link, too. You’ll need the registration code that was sent to you after your initial application.

That’s it! What are you waiting for? Register for the 2017 National Scout Jamboree today!

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