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2018 Christen High Adventure Updates and Registration

2018 marks the 5th year of operation for the Christen National High Adventure Base at The Summit Bechtel Reserve. That’s a big milestone for us, and we are excited to share it with you!

With this big milestone come some changes to the Christen HAB menu. As we talked about in a previous post, we are introducing Trek Programs which leverage the New River Gorge National River. These will be available in two flavors, river running and mountain biking. Both will be available at $799 per person and you can find more information about them using the link below.

We are also making some minor changes to the on-site programs which include the Summit Experience and our Focus Programs. All on-site programs will now be available for $779 per person, except The Marksman which will remain $939. We are also changing the elective structure to being one full day elective.

You can find all the pricing and dates on our High Adventure Registration page linked below and as always, if you have any questions, feel free to call of email us. 304-465-2800 or

High Adventure Registration

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Registration for Summer 2026 Opens January 14 at 9am EST!