Find The Lost Civil War Cannon In The New River Gorge
150 years ago, a young Confederate captain lost something a little bulkier: his cannon. Yes, a cannon. One of those big guns with wheels.
150 years ago, a young Confederate captain lost something a little bulkier: his cannon. Yes, a cannon. One of those big guns with wheels.
The New River Gorge hosts some of the best rock climbing in the world. That’s music to the ears of the 1,100 folks at the New River Rendezvous (NRR), a huge climbing festival in the Summit’s backyard held every May.
Situated in the wilds of West Virginia, The Summit Bechtel Reserve is a training, Scouting, and adventure center for the millions of youth and adults involved in Scouting America and anyone who loves the outdoors. The Summit Bechtel Reserve is also home to the National Scout Jamboree and the Paul R. Christen National High Adventure Base.
The mission of Scouting America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.