Robert G. Cruickshank

Scouting has been a major part of Bob Cruickshank’s life since he joined Troop 14 in Springfield, Illinois in 1944. Bob went on to reach the rank of Eagle Scout and, after he aged out of the youth program, became an adult volunteer.

Outside of Scouting, Bob graduated from Ripon College and then completed a degree in civil engineering at MIT. Upon graduating, he served as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for two years before leaving for the private sector, where he spent 35 years at Ashland Oil and Refining, retiring as a manager of design engineering.

“Scouting has helped me stay physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
‒ Robert G. Cruickshank

Scouting Affiliation and Honors

  • Eagle Scout
  • Scoutmaster, Troop 112, Buckskin Council
  • Buckskin Council Cardinal District Advancement Chair for Troop and Pack 112
  • Buckskin Council Charter Organizational Representative
  • Wood Badge
  • Vigil Honor, Order of the Arrow
  • Silver Beaver Award

Venues at Summit Bechtel Reserve