Todd, Susan, Matthew, and Hilary Johnson

The Johnsons believe Scouting shares the values so important to their family:  Integrity and character. Todd and Susan’s firsthand appreciation of Scouting came through powerful experiences of their son Matthew’s trail to Eagle Scout.  The Johnson family is honored to share their blessings so that others can benefit from a Summit Bechtel Reserve experience of adventure and personal growth.

Todd is the chairman and CEO of Capstan Corporation in Duluth, Minnesota, a diversified business focusing on construction, shipyards, real estate, and banking. Susan is a speech-language pathologist with Duluth Public Schools (more than 30 years). Todd and Susan have two children, Matthew and Hilary who are both graduates of Notre Dame. Matthew received his MBA from Notre Dame in 2019 and Hilary is currently pursuing a master’s degree in biomedical science at Midwestern University.

This is a family gift to bless others with the blessings they have been given. 

“Susan and I had been searching for a long time, looking for places where we could invest our dollars to do the most good and have a long-term impact. When I experienced the Summit Bechtel Reserve, I was in awe. It’s an incredible facility with awesome capabilities.”
‒ Todd Johnson

Venues at Summit Bechtel Reserve