The Telescopium Experience

Chart a course for the future of the BSA National Jamboree

Ancient mariners were guided by the stars in charting their known and unknown paths.  Guided by various stars within the Scouting Movement we will seek, refine and determine a new vision BSA Jamborees much like the founders of American Scouting had to do in the 1930s.  The Telescopium Experience will serve as a looking glass into the future of this great movement.  We will ensure that you are prepared for your journey so that together we can create a limitless Scouting for future generations.

What is the Telescopium Experience?

A 3-day, 4-night conference at SBR that provides tenting, food, conference materials, SBR adventure experiences, fellowship, fun and the adventure you’d expect at the Summit Bechtel Reserve.

Who is invited to participate?

Adults and Scouts that have served on previous Jamboree Staffs or interested in serving on future Jamboree Service Team’s.  Especially those that have ideas and thoughts on how to make the next Jamboree the most awesome event ever!

Where will it be held?

The Summit Bechtel Reserve, of course! After all, it is the home of the BSA National Jamborees.

When is the Telescopium Experience?

July 13-17, 2021

Tuesday afternoon check-in (7/13)
Saturday mid-morning checkout (7/17)

...and how much does it cost?

JST Fee: $726/person

You will receive an unused Jamboree tent to take home and a cot on loan

Lodging option 1: Bunkhouse +$825/person

roommate housing in a Bunkhouse (while availability exists)

Lodging option 2: "Summit Luxury" +$1500/person

Single Occupancy or couples lodging at the NEW Yamagata Lodge

*Please note that there will be an additional charge for River Rafting
or Bridge touring if selected as an adventure option.

Additional Fee Information

Telescopium Registration Fees
There are 3 accommodation options for the conference.

  1. JST Fee is $726 (you will receive an unused Jamboree tent to take home and a cot on loan)
  2. Bunk Fee is $825 – roommate housing in a Bunkhouse (while availability exists)
  3. Summit Luxury Fee is $1,500 – Single Occupancy or couples lodging at the NEW Yamagata Lodge

Telescopium Payment Schedule

  • Deposit: $250 due at registration
  • 1st payment: $250 payment due by February 28, 2021
  • Final Payment: remaining balance due by April 30, 2021
  • Any balance that is unpaid after April 30, 2021 is subject to a penatly/late fee of 10%
  • Registrations received after April 30, 2021 require payment in full at the time of registration.
  • Registrations received after May 31, 2021 are subject to be declined and not processed.

Telescopium Refund Policy
If the Boy Scouts of America cancels the Telescopium program due to COVID-19, you can apply fees to an alternate event date.  If it is not possible for you to reschedule, you will receive a full refund of fees paid. If you cancel your existing reservation one of the following two options are available:

  1. You may select an alternate adventure later in 2021 or 2022 at advertised pricing.
  2. Cancellations prior to March 31, 2021 will receive a refund of fees paid less 10% (planning and administrative fees, COVID-19 surcharge included).  Cancellations prior to May 31, 2021 will receive a refund of fees paid less 25%. Cancellations prior to July 5, 2021 will receive a refund of fees paid less 40%. Refunds will not be provided after July 5, 2021.

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Here's a few more FAQs:

Telescopium is the latinized version of the Greek word for telescope.  It is a minor constellation.  It is one of a few constellations named after a scientific device.  A telescope is an optical instrument used for studying objects from a distance to better understand or inspect them.  TTE is being organized so that dedicated jamboree advocates can assist and participate in bringing the next Jamboree closer to fruition by compiling observations, innovations, and suggested improvements.  A final report of the input collected from TTE will be part of the National Jamboree Task Force Report provided to the BSA’s National Leadership.

While Jamboree Service Team (JST) and prospective JST are the targeted audience for this conference any currently registered BSA member may attend that is interested in providing thoughts on ways to improve on future National Jamborees.

The TTE budget is based on the following expenses: Tent/Cot $100, Food $190, Conference materials $60, Meeting overhead expenses (rooms, electric, wifi) $50, Recognition $75, Activities & Entertainment $90, Transportation $35, Postage/Shipping/Printing $15, Insurance $15, BSA COVID Surcharge $50, Contingency $46.  Increased package pricing covers incidentals such as room cleaning/ sanitizing and the amenities and comforts allocated within the facility itself.

TTE will utilize digital surveys, polls, instructor led focus groups, and concept mapping to assist in prioritizing areas/functions that can be improved and identifying conference results.  

TTE staff will present outcomes daily (while on site) and through a final report that will be shared with all participants after the conference.

Examples of topics to be addressed at TTE include (but not limited to): Size, Guests, Recognition, Site Layout, Equipment Distribution, Food, Transportation, Expenses, Marketing, Registration, Media, Exhibitors, Sponsors, Medical care and Complementary Programming.

While the primary focus of the conference will be discussions centered around improving future Jamborees, we have built into the schedule a couple opportunities to enjoy SBR and area activities.  These will be advertised in the early spring.  Activities like zipline, shooting, Touring the new conference center and the Arnold Logistics Center are being planned onsite.  Offsite activities such as Rafting, shopping and the bridge tour will be offered at an additional cost for those interested.  Participants will be notified of the sign-up through the email provided in the registration packet.

All registrations are as a participant unless you have an email invitation to be on staff.

Telescopium staff pay an additional $100 for the extra expenses incurred from the preparation day.

Transportation will be determined based on reservation commitments.  TTE staff will communicate the transportation plans this spring.

Photography opportunities will be available during the conference.  Please don’t go near the “real McCoy’s”.

Most likely no, but you never know who will show up at SBR.

Unfortunately, numerous circumstances contributed to the postponement of the 2021 National Jamboree.  TTE’s environment is significantly different than a full-scale jamboree.

No.  TTE has been developed to collect the thoughts and ideas on improving a jamboree from interested BSA registered adults.

The National Jamboree Task Force is committed to providing ways and means to listen to our members regarding our premier activity.  The BSA will communicate other opportunities in a similar fashion to the TTE announcement.