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Achieving The Eagle Scout Award

What Is Patrol Z?What is the highest recognition that Scouting offers? That’s right—the Eagle Scout Award.

The Eagle Scout Award is earned through the advancement program, and only about 5 percent of the boys who begin in Scouting achieve this honor.

History Of The Eagle Scout Award

The appeal of the eagle has been felt by every people from prehistoric times to today. To Egyptians, the eagle was the messenger of the gods and the sun, a symbol of eternal life. To certain Native American tribes, it stood for valor and as a pledge of victory. For Americans today, the eagle is the living symbol of all courageous and freedom-aspiring Americans. So when the Eagle Scout Award’s medal was designed in 1912, it was decided that a small silver eagle would be suspended from a tricolor ribbon of red, white, and blue. The medal remains the same today.

About The Medal

Honor is the foundation of all character; being trustworthy is the first point of the Scout Law for a reason. On the Eagle Scout Award, it is represented by white. The blue of the Eagle Scout Award inspires the Eagle Scout’s loyalty, which extends even beyond his family, troop, and friends to his school, community, and nation. The red reminds the Eagle Scout of courage. To a Scout, bravery means not only the courage to face physical danger, but the determination to stand up for what is right.

Eagle Scouts are charged with continuing their quest by becoming even better citizens and leaders by continuing to live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. We thank all the Eagle Scouts for their service to Scouting, their communities, and the nation.

Are you working toward your Eagle Scout Award? Let us know in the comments.

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