This is a question I’ve heard from several folks. The answer is “yes,” but let me give you some background. It’s really a matter of fairness.
The commercial cost of a whitewater raft trip on the New River runs in the range of $70 to $110. That’s a hefty expense for anyone. We use licensed raft companies to deliver this portion of the program, and they have a capacity limitation that will not accommodate all jamboree participants, so we did not incorporate a raft fee into the jamboree fee. Had we done so, we would have knowingly charged those jamboree participants that either didn’t desire to or were not able to go rafting for a portion of the cost for someone else’s raft trip. That just didn’t seem fair to us given the significant cost involved.
What we have done is work with the local rafting companies to provide an exceptional value for those that will participate in the whitewater rafting experience during the jamboree. The fee will be $50. That fee will be paid when you register and is accepted for the whitewater rafting program event. Program event registration will occur this winter, and information on the process will be distributed to jamboree participants at that time.
You’re probably wondering if there are any other events that will require an additional fee. None of the events to be held on-site will require a fee since everyone can participate in on-site events. The only other off-site event that will likely involve an additional fee is technical climbing. Technical climbing is high-end climbing that will require advance qualification, so the numbers eligible for this event will be limited. Any fees associated with this activity will be provided along with the program event registration process this winter. So watch for it.
Good Scouting!