Your first day at the jamboree will be full of exciting activities that will boost the enthusiasm of all Scouts and Scouters.
On the bus ride from the Ruby Welcome Center to your campsite, you will receive a journal. Be sure to bring it to the arrival night program along with a couple of pens.
The jamboree Master of Ceremonies will kick off the arrival show with some fun call-and-response activities with some games or prizes. Then, the emcee will take you on a journey describing your next 10 days at the 2017 National jamboree. This journey will include the aims of Scouting in a personal way before progressing through the Scouting program.
The program will discuss the concept and implications of the Out of Eden Walk. The walk’s purpose will also be explored.
The Arrival Day event will also provide overviews of the Messengers of Peace Day of Service and the jamboree trek to Garden Ground Mountain. You’ll also learn how to properly hashtag at the jamboree.
The show will also have an interactive and introspective portion, allowing Scouts from different backgrounds to use their journalism skills.
The show’s final charge will challenge everyone to self-reflection, not only during the course of the jamboree, but for the duration of their Scouting careers.