More from the Summit Blog

How To Eat Up Summit Blog Content And Not Get The Hiccups

Tune In To This Site For News On All Things Summit

A daily dose of content.
You don’t have to race; there’s plenty of blog for everyone (Photo Joe King/Flickr Creative Commons)

Now, we aren’t licensed and board-certified physicians here at, but we still argue that your recommended daily diet includes a healthy portion of blog posts, nutritiously balanced with helpings of photo galleries and videos, with a dash of commenting on and sharing those stories.


This here, readers, is your Summit Bechtel Reserve blog — all the news that’s fit to print about the Summit, the ever-more-quickly-coming 2013 National Jamboree, and the New River Gorge (NRG) region that happens to offer all the spectacular outdoor recreation we’ll be covering, too.

What’s In It For Me?

What can you expect to find in these pages? Topically speaking, here’s what you can read about or watch:

Action Addiction — This category will be full of stories on outdoor adventure, sports like skateboarding or BMX, and anything that involves “fun in motion.” Here’s one on mountain biking at the Summit.

Adventures In Service — This category is for the SBR web video series that shows Scouts performing service projects that tie directly to outdoor pursuits, like trail-building and mountain biking, or river litter pick-ups and bass fishing. Here’s an episode on Bridge Day.

Jambo! — We’ll keep you posted on everything you need to know to get registered and get to the 2013 jamboree at the Summit with news in this category. See this post on jamboree fees.

Coming Soon: SBR Gear — Want to know how the new camp stove stacks up? This category will introduce and review items you find at or announce gear that’s been specifically designed for the Summit.

Summit Buzz — As plans become finalized for the biggest project in Scouting’s history, the Summit Bechtel Reserve, you’ll hear about it right here. Check out this infographic on what Scouts want at the Summit.

Blog writing is for young people.
All of the content you find on this blog was created by seasoned professionals with extensive publishing expertise. (Photo by mpclemens/Flickr Creative Commons)

The NRG — Tune in here to learn more about the region surrounding the Summit and all the events and amenities it has to offer Scouts. Example? Meet a bird that dive bombs the Gorge at 200 mph.

Coming Soon: Patrol Z — The SBR put together a national team of Scout-reporters. These youth will be producing videos, photos and more to tell stories about adventure in your backyard and to document the journey to the Summit for the 2013 jamboree.

Updated Weekly

[pullquote]Every Friday, check back here to find a sample of new items to entertain, amaze and inspire you.[/pullquote]

Each week, you’ll see a new see batch of stories here on Which categories will have new stories? It just depends on what’s happening at the Summit that week. Keep checking back here to find a sample of new items to entertain, amaze and inspire you.

We’ve also got some more departments we’ll be launching soon. We’ll be producing features about outstanding Scouts from around the country. We’ll bring you contests. We’ll add your ideas, too.

How To Earn Bonus Points

You do want extra credit, right?

Some stories (but not every story) on the blog here will have “bonus content.” You’ll see a gray box on the right side of the story that says “Share this to unlock bonus content.” Once you share the post, the page will reveal the hidden content. Sometimes it might be just a cool video, sometimes it might be a coupon for the BSA Supply store. Bonus!

So, take a tour around the blog. Read the stories. Watch the videos and share the posts with your friends.

What new categories do you want to see? What posts would you like to see? Let us know in the comments.

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