Be sure to give this post a little extra time to load; we’ve got some exciting images to show you.
The Summit Bechtel Reserve is now officially listed on Google’s map and satellite imagery!
Below is how the Summit looks in Google Maps. It’s the brownish/grayish area, right in the center. You can see the nearby interstates, and the green area is our neighbor — the New River Gorge National River.
[map:,-81.12999947,2509.03,0.001,44.931,0&ll=37.94029,-81.129999&spn=0.045962,0.090895&z=14640 480]
It gets even cooler if you click the “Satellite” button in the upper right -hand corner. See if you can zoom in and make out the light brown “fingers” of the base camps where Scouts and Venturers will be camping at the 2013 National Jamboree. You can also make out the high-adventure activity areas, the stadium, and roads on the Summit property.
Want to get an idea of the topography of the area around the Summit? Click on the “Terrain” button and watch as the view changes to show the elevation and relief of the landforms.
If you have the plug-in installed in your browser, you’ll be able to see a Google Earth view of the Summit here (this will open in another window).
Pretty cool, huh?