Putting on a jamboree takes a ridiculous amount of work. With all the coordination of activities, discovery of staff and organization of participants, it is nothing short of a miracle that everything went so smoothly.
To the approximately 6,000 staff members who put in thousands of hours of work preparing for the jamboree: “Thank You.”
“There’s no possible way to pull off a national jamboree of this caliber without the dedication and hard work of the staff,” said Glenn Ault, administration lead. “They are the heart and soul of the operation.”
Dan McCarthy, logistics lead, said, “You gotta thank the staff for providing the program and the excitement that is the foundation of what we’re doing in Scouting.”
Toby Capps, base camp operations lead, wanted the staff to know that “for the past four years, we have done everything we can to increase the staff experience at jamboree.” He also applauded the staff for their great spirit, great job and great team. This summer, Toby wanted the staff to “put on their customer service hats,” and he said that a better effort couldn’t have been done by the staff who showed up for the 2017 National Jamboree.
The staff have lived in conditions similar to the participants’, sleeping in tents and using similar shower houses throughout their one to two weeks at the Summit. Cheerfully serving while living in those camps is a testament to the dedication of the amazing staff members.
One Scout who traveled all the way from Washington state thought the staff were really cheerful and passionate about their program areas. Other Scouts shared similar sentiments, emphasizing how much the staff shone throughout the jamboree experience.
For those staff members who enjoyed sharing their talents, there are always more opportunities to staff national events. The 2018 National Order of the Arrow Conference, the 2019 World Jamboree and the 2021 National Jamboree are all exciting events that are looking for interesting and creative people — like YOU.