Putting on a Jamboree takes a ridiculous amount of work. With all the coordination of activities, discovery of staff and organization of participants, it is nothing short of a miracle that everything went so smoothly.
To the over 30,000 participants and leaders who made this an unforgettable and amazing jamboree: “Thank You.”
On behalf of everyone on the executive committee, the jamboree staff hopes that every Scout and Scouter had the adventure of a lifetime after the years of planning that went into this event.
Dan McCarthy, Logistics Lead, noted that “The participants are why we do it. They’re why the staff pay to be here to share their talents and develop fitness, citizenship, character development, and leadership within the Scouts. It just wouldn’t be a jamboree without them.” He also hopes that the Scouts and Scouters will have a chance to come back to the Summit and see beyond the jamboree experience. Regular camp and high adventure programs at the Summit are so interesting, and he hopes everyone can see what kind of adventure is in West Virginia when jamboree is not occurring.
Toby Capps, Base Camp Operations Lead, wants to thank the leaders for trusting in the staff when they said that there were great things going on. “It’s really great that you chose to spend your time with us, and I only heard good things about the participants all week long”.
For those participants and leaders who enjoyed coming to this event, there are always more opportunities to attend national events. The 2018 National Order of the Arrow Conference, the 2019 World Jamboree and the 2021 National Jamboree are all exciting events that are looking for enthusiastic participants and leaders — like you, thank you.