By the time your bus rolls up to the Summit Bechtel Reserve, you’ll be ready for 10 days of amazing adventure in West Virginia’s beautiful New River Gorge National River area that is adjacent to the Summit Bechtel Reserve. But first, it’ll be time to set up camp. When your contingent arrives in your base camp, you’ll be greeted with a gigantic kit containing almost all of the equipment you’ll need for an amazing camping experience.

What will be inside?

An important part of your troop equipment kit will be cooking equipment, including stoves, pans, knives and tongs. And when your crew sits down for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you’ll have five picnic tables provided, as well as two canopy dining flies for protection in case of rain. What’s more, you’ll have two garden carts for easy transportation of food, water or gear.

The troop kit will include other gear for a good camp — most importantly, somewhere to sleep. You’ll find tents for participants and adult leaders, as well as comfortable cots, so there will be no need to sleep on the ground. And there will be two flagpoles for your contingent flag and the American flag.

With all this ready right when you get to camp, it might be easy to forget some important items while packing. Though the Jamboree provides cooking gear, you’ll need to bring your own mess kit with utensils, as well as a lunch bag to carry “grab-and-go” lunch items. And though you’ll have a cot to sleep on, make sure to have at a minimum a lightweight sleeping bag.

The BSA has provided a full recommended participant packing list and a list of all the goodies you’ll find in your very own troop kit upon arrival:

Troop Kit Contents

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