Patrol Z is a group of new-media journalists made up of Scouts and Venturers from all across America. High adventure, service, and achievement are what we’re all about. Want to get in touch with us? Tweet to us @PatrolZ, and follow our photos on Instagram @PatrolZ.
By bus and plane they arrived at the Summit on Friday, July 13. Shakedown participants had traveled great distances, but now they all had only one question: What do we do now?
Day 1 at the Summit Bechtel Reserve was a whirlwind of setup. Participants had the task of turning a small section of the subcamp into home for the next few days. For Alex B., an Eagle Scout from Wisconsin, the Summit was just breathtaking. [pullquote]“I felt like our crew really bonded well, which made setting up camp go really smoothly.” Alex B., Eagle Scout[/pullquote]Alex stated, “The first thing I noticed were spectacular mountains, rugged trails, and a gorgeous view.”
First things first: Open up the boxes of brand new equipment. Participants set up their tents and cots and then moved on to assembling unit gear, which was all provided by the jamboree. With cooking areas set up, dinner was soon cooking and hungry participants were chowing down on barbecue chicken and corn on the cob.
The day ended with participants playing cards, playing soccer, and just enjoying the Summit. The only question on their minds was: What will tomorrow hold?