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West Virginia University Offers Scholarships for Eagle Scouts

Becoming an Eagle Scout or earning the Gold Award are among the greatest achievements that a youth can earn. In an effort to reward that achievement even more, West Virginia University is providing a scholarship for first-time freshmen who have achieved the rank of Eagle or have completed the Gold Award.

The requirements are fairly simple and could get you some great money to achieve an education in gorgeous West Virginia.

Incoming freshmen who have earned the Eagle or Gold award and who have earned a high school GPA of 3.0 or better and an ACT composite of at least 21 or combined SAT Critical Reading and Math scores of 990/New SAT of 1070 will be awarded a $500 scholarship annually for up to four academic years (total of $2,000) while enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student on the main campus in Morgantown. (The SAT score has been adjusted to reflect test results from the new SAT test, first given in March 2016.)

The award will be in addition to any other scholarship offered by West Virginia University.

The student must submit documentation of earning the Eagle or Gold award to the university’s Undergraduate Scholarship Office. The information may be scanned and emailed to or faxed to 304-293-0266. Please include the student name, WVU ID#, and date of birth with the information you send. The deadline date to have any information submitted for consideration is August 1.

A recipient may renew the scholarship by earning a minimum GPA of 2.75 after each academic year. Students are also required to earn a minimum of 30 credit hours each year.

While West Virginia University might not be the school for you, always keep in mind that there are plenty of scholarships and opportunities for those who have earned the highest rank in Scouting.

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