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World Friendship Fund collection

A Jamboree tradition will continue Saturday, as Scouts learn about and take up a collection for the World Friendship Fund, which was developed by the Boy Scouts of America during the closing days of World War II. At that time, there was a great need to rebuild Scouting in nations that had been wracked by war and were rebuilding.

Each contingent will receive a brochure and a collection bag through the Jamboree mail system. The contingent should share the information in the brochure with contingent members on Saturday morning and then take up a collection for the fund. Most contingents will do this before, during or just after breakfast. Collection bags should be returned to the subcamp headquarters by 1 p.m. Saturday.

The collection helps Scouts better understand that Scouting is global and that their fellow Scouts are in need of their help. Over the years, American Scouts and leaders have donated more than $11 million. These donations have provided Scouting literature, uniforms, summer camp equipment, building camps, computers and other Scouting-related supplies to Scouts around the world.

Donating to the World Friendship Fund is a great opportunity for Scouts to show that they are kind and that they “help other people at all times.”


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