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Changes Ahead for Staff Shuttle Service

With the arrival of thousands of Jamboree participants tomorrow, the shuttle service that staff members have relied upon for the past week will be drastically reduced.

“We’re moving from Jamboree setup mode to program delivery mode,” says Jim Stewart, chief of staff for logistics. Consequently, shuttles will focus on getting staffers to and from their shifts rather than looping around constantly. Many of the buses that have been used for staff transportation will be reassigned to moving participants, for events such as the Messengers of Peace Day of Service and Offsite Adventures rafting.

Starting Wednesday, staff shuttle service will generally move from being continuous and all-day to one-way and at specific times. In the morning, staff will have a certain window to catch a bus from the Base Camp Echo shuttle zone. Then, in the afternoon or evening, staff will have another defined window to get a ride back to Echo from their shift’s pick-up area.

Because participant arrival will take a large amount of bus time on Wednesday, some shuttle drop-off windows may be shifted later than their normal times. Staff should download route-specific information or check posted shuttle schedules at Echo in order to find out when they should be ready to go.

Remember, if you don’t catch the last shuttle when it is scheduled to leave from Echo or your program area, you will be out of luck.

Staff members may want to leave early to catch a shuttle, given the possibility of long lines. In addition, keep in mind that one-way shuttles will only run from Echo to program areas in the morning, and from program areas to Echo in the evening. Anyone who wants to go the opposite way will need to walk.

Some shuttles will remain continuous throughout the jamboree. The Loop Road Route (White Route) will remain staff-only but continue to service subcamp locations before returning to Echo. In addition, staff will be able to ride the continuous Adventure Valley Loop Route (Orange Route) and Upper Ridge Loop Route (Red Route) with participants, although they will not make stops at Echo. Finally, the Black Route serving Ruby Welcome Center, staff parking, and Base Camps will remain continuous during its run time.

Staff must be aware of their shuttle route’s new schedule each day. As always, planning ahead will make it possible for everyone to do their job, and to give participants the best experience possible.

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